Fiction Follow-ups

Posted January 10, 2015

Fiction Follow-ups

We read books in series for comfort; to return to characters and settings that we have come to trust and even love. You can discover the worlds anew each time you pick up the next book in the series. Or, if you're particularly lucky, you can stumble upon a fully developed series for the first time and binge-read the whole thing! This month, we're digging some follow-ups and sequels and you should, too.

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Non-Fic Picks: New Year, New You!

Posted January 2, 2015

Non-Fic Picks: New Year, New You!

2015 is here, and New Year’s resolutions are abundant.  But, just because it’s a new year, doesn’t necessarily mean you need to transform yourself completely- a little change or improvement can go a long way!  Maybe you want to eat healthier or lose a little weight, especially after all those delicious holiday treats.  Maybe you feel it’s time to change your outlook on life or want to update your style.  Well, the Shorewood Library is here to help!  Here are four non-fic picks to help you ring in your new year resolutions…

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A Look Back at 2014

Posted December 22, 2014

A Look Back at 2014

'Tis the season when most of us look back at the year we're bringing to a close and examine what we did for the last 365 days, and what it meant to us. At the Library, we're already well into planning for 2015. But before we skip too far ahead, we'd like to share some of our 2014 highlights with you, our patrons - who are the reason for every season around here.

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Warm Up with Some Cool Reads!

Posted December 19, 2014

Warm Up with Some Cool Reads!

Even though there’s not any snow yet, winter officially starts next week.  Why not warm up with book?  This week’s Friday Reads feature stories surrounding winter and snow including a heart-warming fairy tale, a spine-chilling mystery, a touching story of dogsled racing, and, of course, a winter romance.  Read your winter blues away with a good book!     

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