Book Discussions & Clubs
Share Station Eleven book with friends, neighbors - or even strangers. It's what Shorewood Reads is all about.
Book Club Kits
If you have a regular gathering of friends who read books - whether you're a "club" or just a casual group - check out a book club kit. Come to the information desk to sign out a kit anytime the library is open.
Kits with Books
- Five copies of Station Eleven
- Discussion questions
- Evaluation form
- Shorewood Reads event pamphlets and temporary tattoos
The books, bag and question sheet must be returned to the Library three weeks after you check them out.
Kits without Books
If you own your own or plan to check out from the library.
- Discussion questions
- Evaluation form
- Shorewood Reads event pamphlets and temporary tattoos
The discussion questions should be returned to the Library three weeks after you check them out.
Community Discussions
Join in a discussion in the community in March.
Wednesday, March 7, 11:00 a.m. @ Village Center Meeting Rooms (below Library) - hosted by Senior Resource Center and Librarian Hayley Johnson
Tuesday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. @ Camp Bar - hosted by local author and journalist, Jessie Garcia
Wednesday, March 28, 9:30 a.m. @ North Shore Boulangerie - hosted by local author, Lauren Fox