Homebound Delivery
Delivering books & smiles to residents who are homebound, because we care.
We know it’s hard for you to visit your library to browse for your favorite things. If you are homebound, let us do the browsing for you and deliver a package of books that you’ll be able to keep for 6 weeks. It’s Shorewood Public Library’s way of making life just a little bit easier for you.
Applying is easy:
- The service is free and open to any Shorewood resident who is homebound due to a physical condition or doctor’s order.
- Tell us what sorts of books you’re interested in. We’ll have a librarian choose six books that match your preferences. A volunteer will deliver them right to your home.
- You’ll be able to keep the library books for six weeks. Then, a volunteer will pick up your books and deliver another six selected especially for you. Just fill out the application (linked below), return it to the library, and you will be on your way!
Click here to download the Homebound Delivery Application Form
Contact Nancy Shimon at the Shorewood Library for questions about the service.
Phone 847-2682 or email nancy.shimon@mcfls.org