Events Calendar


AM Book Club

Thursday, February 20

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Shorewood Public Library Program Room

The AM Book Club is a great opportunity to talk about what you’ve read, learn something new, discover more great books, and meet new friends. Join us this month as we discuss The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.

First published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer Prize winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads, driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into haves and have nots evolves a drama that is intensely human yet majestic in its scale and moral vision, elemental yet plainspoken, tragic but ultimately stirring in its human dignity.

Pick up a copy at the customer service desk, or give us a call at 414 847-2670, and we would be happy to put one on hold for you.

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