Non-Fic Picks for April

Posted Apr 1, 2014

Spring is typically when we undertake projects like spring cleaning. Why? We're ready to say out with the old and in with the new. We've dropped our New Year's Resolutions, the winter vacation has come and gone (and with it the relaxation), and the yard looks like a garbage dump. But wait, is that a tulip coming up? There is hope! Our April Non-Fic(tion) Picks are all about finding hope, clearing out, and renewing yourself. 

Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time by Brigid Schulte

Washington Post columnist Brigid Schulte was first compelled to question the value and the possibility of leisure time a few years ago when some recent research on leisure came to her attention. Since then she has researched the topic broadly and Overwhelmed is the result. Pick this up if you wonder why you never feel like you have down time - or if you are one of those rare breed that have lots of it. This is a fascinating look at what leisure time means - and how we can regain it - in our hurry-up society.

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington

From finding down time, to thriving during it. Huffington looks beyond the typical measures of work and life success - money and power - at what she calls the third metric: well-being. Inspired by her own experience with the complete exhaustion that comes from defining success only through money and power, Huffington writes thoughtfully about how to reinvent your own definition of success focusing on wisdom, well-being, and self-fulfillment. 

The Power of Forgetting by Mike Byster

You know what? Forget about thriving or getting over feeling overwhelmed, just read this book about forgetting and bask in the glory of an empty mind. Byster presents six tips for clearing out your brain of the useless clutter that typically fills it, and finding a clearer head and a sharper mind. You'll never feel guilty about searching for the car keys for ten minutes every time you want to leave the house again (possibly because you won't forget where you put them).

Living in Style: Inspiration and Advice for Everyday Glamour by Rachel Zoe

Once you've performed some mental spring cleaning, why not tackle the closet. Everyone could use a little style advice, and stylist-for-the-stars Zoe is the perfect person to give it. Zoe doesn't just leave her advice to your wardrobe; she's got tips for bringing a bit of glamour to the realm of entertaining and travel, and just plain everyday life, too. Her number one rule: know yourself.

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