Art in the Library and Our Community

Posted Mar 19, 2014

Walk into the Library today and you'll instantly see a world of artwork. We're not talking about the art on the covers of books, we're talking about paintings, prints, ceramic pieces, paper sculptures and a whole lot more. It's the annual District Art Show and it's here until April 9.

Each year, students in Shorewood schools make hundreds of pieces of art. In the late winter, art teachers select a number of representative pieces to be put on display for about six weeks right here at the library. The artwork comes from students of all ages - from kindergarten through 12th grade - and represents the beautiful diversity of our community and schools. You don't want to miss it.

While the District Art Show is only temporary, some of our artwork is on display year-round. In particular, we are excited to display a Slava Yanovsky whirligig. Shorewood local Yanovsky currently has a show up at the Garden Room, just around the corner. We've had several visitors come through the library after seeing his work there - so cool!

Why so much art in the library? Art is important to us, because it's important to our community. Art provides a creative outlet, needed respite, a bit of inspiration; interestingly these are all reasons you might use the library's materials, space or services. Come on in and let the art feed your soul.

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