Post-Apocalyptic Fiction for Adults

Posted March 27, 2015

Post-Apocalyptic Fiction for Adults

Imagine the end of human civilization and enter a world similar to ours yet completely unlike the one we know.  From economic collapse to massive flu pandemics, the dark settings of post-apocalyptic fiction offer cautionary visions of bleak yet beautiful worlds.  This week’s #FridayReads feature four dystopian novels geared towards adults.

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Winter Reading Wrap Up

Posted March 20, 2015

Winter Reading Wrap Up

Spring is officially here, and we’ve managed to read our way through the winter blues.  This week’s #FridayReads feature a few more of our fabulous patron picks- both recommended titles and one not recommended (which can be just as important!). 

We’ve had a great turn out to our inaugural adult winter reading program with over 90 reading logs completed and returned.  The books chosen were across the board, and most of the reviews were thought-provoking and well-written.  To see what everyone read, check out our fiction and non-fiction book lists and expect a display soon!

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Read Green: Irish Fiction

Posted March 16, 2015

Read Green: Irish Fiction

Spring is almost here and Saint Patrick’s Day is just around the corner—it’s time to read green!  This week’s selection focuses on Ireland, Irish authors, Irish characters, or, better yet, a combination of all three.   

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Digital magazines are now easier to use!

Posted March 11, 2015

Digital magazines are now easier to use!

This week, Milwaukee County Federated Library System made some big updates to how you, our patrons, use Zinio - the digital magazine service provided by the library. Whether you are new to digital magazines from the library, or have been using the service for some time, read on to learn about these updates!

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