Fiction from Our Readers to You

Posted February 22, 2016

Fiction from Our Readers to You

Do you ever wonder what you’re neighbors are reading?  Well, here’s a few examples from our winter reading program just for adults: Booked All Winter.  There’s still time to participate; submit entries through March 13th to win fabulous prizes!

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Books for all readers

Posted February 16, 2016

Books for all readers

For many of us, reading is how we stay connected to our world; we see ourselves reflected in books or gain a window into another world. 

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Seeing Red

Posted February 12, 2016

Seeing Red

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we’re seeing red here at the Shorewood Library- red books that is!  Here’s a few worth taking a look at and don’t forget to check out our display near the adult information desk for more great titles…

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Must-Listen New Music

Posted February 9, 2016

Must-Listen New Music

Here are our must-listen recommendations for new music that hit the library shelves this month and last month.

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Non-Fic Picks: Reader’s Choice

Posted February 5, 2016

Non-Fic Picks: Reader’s Choice

This week, we’ve selected our non-fic picks from the Booked All Winter Adult Reading Program.  It’s simple: read a book; submit a short review; and you’re ready to select the prize raffle you’d like to win!  The more you read, the more chances you have, and the program runs until March 13th so there’s plenty of time to participate.   

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