Posted Jan 27, 2024
At the Friends of the Shorewood Public Library's annual meeting held on Wednesday, January 17th, the Friends named Lois Wesener as the 2024 Volunteer of the Year in recognition of her outstanding service to the Friends and the library. During her tenure on the Board of Directors, Lois served as Secretary for four years, preparing and distributing minutes and reports. She also served on an ad hoc committee to revise the bylaws and worked to keep the organization’s membership informed of board activities by inaugurating and writing the monthly e-mail "Follow the Friends.”
“Lois joined the Friends board in the midst of the pandemic and soldiered through a tough time of only virtual meetings. Her resilience and positivity helped keep the Friends on track then - and guide us now. In ways large and small, Lois always pitches in to get the job done,” said Mary Armstrong, President of the Friends of the Shorewood Public Library.
In recognition of her unstinting dedication and countless hours of work, Lois’ name has been added to the Friend's plaque next to the in-library used book sale shelves. In addition, the Friends made a donation to the library in Lois’ name for her to select a favorite book for the shelves. One day soon, Michele Norris’s Our Hidden Conversations: What American Really Things About Race and Identity, with a book plate naming Lois Wesener, will be at Shorewood Public Library ready for you to check out!
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