Curbside Pickup of Library Materials

How it works

You can pick up items that you requested via CountyCat online or app, or asked us to help you request, and that you have been notified are on the holdshelf for you.

You can also pick up:

Take-home program kits for all ages, Lucky Day books not previously requested, and Mobile print jobs.

Pickup Instructions

Once you are notified your items are ready: walk, drive or bike up to the library lobby doors closest to the parking lot during our open hours.

No appointment necessary!

Call the pickup line (414-847-2673) when you arrive to the library lobby doors by our parking lot off Frederick Avenue. 

A staff member will check out your material to you, and bring your material to your vehicle, handing materials directly to you, or placing in your backseat or trunk.

The pickup number is also posted on the door and window.