
These instructions are for using the Libby App to borrow, read and download e-books and e-audiobooks from Wisconsin's Digital Library.

Devices that can use the Libby App

  • iOS devices (version 9 or higher)
  • Android devices (version 4.4 or higher)
  • Windows devices (Windows 10)

Formats supported

  • EPUB e-book
  • MP3 audiobook

First-time users

Install the Libby App:

  1. Locate the Libby app in the app store for your device (e.g. App Store, Google Play). You can also access the app by navigating to in a browser, choosing your device from the list of options and clicking on the button to install the app.
  2. Install the app (Note: you may need to know your iTunes account password for iOS devices, or your app store/account password for other devices.).
  3. Once installed, open the Libby App by tapping on the purple Libby icon on your device homescreen.

Set up the App:

  1. Tap "Hi" to get started.
  2. On the following screen, scroll down and then tap Find My Library.
  3. Libby will use the location services on your phone to find the library closest to you. If it looks right, tap Yes. If not, tap No and then follow the prompts to search manually.
  4. You will be directed to Wisconsin's Digital Library, the statewide shared library for all Wisconsin library card holders.
  5. Tap Shelf at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Tap Sign In to finish  setting up the app by signing in to your Wisconsin Digital Library account:
    1. Sign in with either your library card number and PIN, your existing OverDrive account, or Facebook account (both OverDrive account and Facebook account sign in options will later require you to enter your library card number and PIN).
  7. Note: Libby may always be of feminine appearance, but you can change the color of her skin. Tap on the Libby icon at the bottom of the page to see the options.

All Users

Navigate the App:

  1. Tap Library to browse Wisconsin's Digital Library and borrow books with one tap.
  2. Tap Shelf to view items you currently have checked out, your holds, and access the app menu to add additional borrowers to your account, alter hold notifications, and adjust settings and preferences.

In the Library

1. Browse:

  1. If you know what you are looking for, use the search box at the top of the screen (magnifying glass image next to text "Search the catalog..."
  2. If you want to browse the library:
    1. Set up browsing preferences to make your search more targeted and help you find something great quickly!
      • Tap the plus sign on the orange bar under the Digital Library logo
      • Alter settings by: Availability (choose to see everything in the library, or only "Available Titles" that you can check out right away), Sort by (sort by publication date, alphabetically by author or title, etc.), Language (browse only in the languages you want to read in!), Audience (limit to juvenile titles, general audience, etc. to reflect your interests and who is reading)
      • Tap Apply Preferences. You can alter these at any time - even while you are browsing.
    2. Scroll down to view the library's general genre collections like Fiction, Romance, Mystery, etc. As you continue to scroll you will see curated lists of titles all around different subjects and genres. Tap the title of the list to view all suggested books.
  3. To learn more about a book, tap the cover image. You can listen to samples of audiobooks, read a summary, etc.

2. Borrow:

  1. Tap Borrow to check out a book immediately.
  2. You will see confirmation text saying "You are borrowing [Book Title] for {#} days." To change your loan period for an item to a different length of time, tap the underlined text to see a menu of options.
  3. Tap the red Borrow button to confirm check out.
  4. Once it is checked out, you can open it and begin reading, go to your shelf to see loans, or keep browsing.
  5. Some items, such as audiobooks, can be streamed instead of downloaded. This may be helpful if you have limited storage space on your device. However, to read or listen when you don't have wifi or data (such as on an airplane) you must download the book.

3. Place a Hold:

  1. Tap Place Hold to place a hold on an item.
  2. You will see a confirmation screen. Tap the red Place Hold button to confirm.
  3. When the hold is placed, you may read a sample, edit the hold or keep browsing.
  4. You will receive a notice via email when the item is available.

On your Shelf

Your shelf will always default to showing you what you have checked out ("Loans"). You can see Holds, Tags, Activity, and click the three lines (menu icon) to view other settings.

  1. From the Loans screen, tap the cover of a book to view several options:
    • Open Book: to read
    • Renew Loan: this will show you how many days you have left, and whether or not you can renew the title
    • Return Title to Library: return books as soon as you're finished so the next patron may get a copy (loans expire automatically, so you do not have to return early)
    • Send the book to another device: only useful for Kindle users
    • Tag: give the book a tag, to let you track the types of books you read.
    • You'll also see more information about the book.
  2. To read, simply tap "Open Book" or "Open Audiobook"

If you have questions about using Libby or using library digital content, contact the library via email at, phone at 414-847-2670, or stop in to get in person help. For in-depth help visit us for Digital Downloads 101. Click here to learn more!