Posted Apr 26, 2016
Our brand new laptops launch on Monday, May 2! They are ready for you, wherever you want to use them - within reason...

How library laptops work:
Come in and check out a laptop to make your work, or Internet surfing, while at the library more flexible. You check it out right onto your library card, just like other library materials. Its yours for three hours, but your computer time may be limited to two hours (Flex Time for an additional hour may kick in, depending on how busy we are!).
Important to know:
- Library card OR photo ID are required to check out a laptop. If you have your card number memorized, we may ask you to verify details.
- Why? You are legally responsible for things checked out on your card, and since these laptops are expensive to replace we want to ensure only you are using your card to check one out. You also have to use your own card for computer access for the same reason.
- Logon with your card number and PIN just like at our regular computers. You can even print from a laptop!
- The laptop can't leave the building (don't be like that sneaky guy pictured above! We will stop you!) and you must not leave it unattended. Stop at the info desk to leave it in the trusted hands of a staff person if you need to step away for a moment.
Click here to read more about how these laptops came to be in a previous blog post.
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