Posted Apr 4, 2014
In February, the Friends of Shorewood Public Library held their first ever media sale. With CDs and DVDs selling at two for a dollar, this sale moved a lot of media for a good cause. Even at that blow-out bargain rate, the sale raised over $1000, helped clear out some of the library’s storage areas and resulted in more support for new library materials and programs. Friends member Anne O'Meara tells us all about the sale...
“We were pleasantly surprised at the success of the Media Sale! The patrons were happy and so were we!” said Friends Board Member and Volunteer Alice Davis.
Davis, her mother, Jane, and sister, Maggie, organize the ongoing used book and media sale located across from the library’s front desk. Davis said they, “were not having much luck selling the media on the used book shelves, so we'd put them in storage each week.”
With that collection and used items from the library, quite a large number of CDs and DVDs were in the library’s storage area, so the Friends decided to have a media sale. Setting the price at two items for a dollar really appealed to patrons.
“The CDs were the most successful,’ said Davis. “Some patrons (like me) bought CDs to download favorite songs and donated them back. [Children’s Librarian] Heide [Piehler] and I had fun buying some to give as April Fool’s gifts. Mostly, however, people were enjoying the bargain!”

The money raised by the Friends goes toward purchasing items for the collection and equipment for the library as well as for events such as author visits and children’s programs. Most recently the Friends have purchased a Little Free Library that will be installed outside this spring. It will be filled with items from the many donations the library receives. The Friends also recently donated $2,500 to the Library to start the “Lucky Day” collection. (More on that development soon!)
The Library accepts donations of books, CDs and DVDs that are in good condition. Anything the Library does not need for the collection is given to the Friends for their ongoing book sale. Patrons are encouraged to bring in soft and hard cover popular fiction and nonfiction as well as popular CDs and DVDs. Used text books do not sell as well.
Davis encourages more donations: “The media donations are still coming in as we are collecting for the next sale, “ she said. “So, bring your CDs and DVDs to the front desk!”
By Anne O'Meara, Member of the Friends of Shorewood Public Library
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